Imagine for a moment, you decide to get away for a weekend and get on this plane . . . See Video Above : What’s going on here? A South Asian man screaming “Allahu Akbar” and “f***ing white people” freaks out on a plane. He yells at other passengers to “Shoot me! Shoot me!” He’s restrained by several large men. The vid is hot on Liveleak and YouTube, where it was posted yesterday. The person who posted it claims: “I don’t know what happened here. But this happened on my Air Canada plane ride to London, England in December 6th, 2007 from Toronto…My partner and I decided we should videotape this in the interest of sharing the experience we went through on this plane with those interested.” A reclusive curmudgeons musings on life . . .
- Maybe the goat's milk in coach was not to his liking. Oz
- I think he was mad at having a middle seat. Seriously - it's very heartening to see the passengers respond in a forceful - yet compassionate - manner, reassuring him that he wasn't gonig to die, while making sure he was restrained. An airliner will never again be taken over by terrorists - not because of TSA, but because of passengers like these.
- Yup, passenger will no longer take any crap. I suspect that any modern terrorist will now receive a heck of a beating on a plane. Armed with pens and belts and boiling water, the odds are that any terrorist today will experience a lot of pain even before the air marshal relieves his suffering.